The Sons of Issachar: The ‘Dragon’ Released One Last Time

Bobby Grow
3 min readJul 13, 2021


I once was an ardent dispensationalist. I abandoned that framework about 13 years ago. As a result new interpretive vistas have been opened for me in regard to the book of Revelation; and other books of the Bible for that matter. We don’t know the day or the hour of the coming of the Christ, but we are not children of the darkness; we are children of the Light, as the Apostle Paul drives home in I Thessalonians 5. When I look at the status of this world system, globally, it is hard not to think that we aren’t in the stage referred to in Revelation 20:1–3:

And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.

I have no problem imagining that we could be in that time: ‘After that, he must be set free for a short time.’ The level of global delusion at this time is utterly mind-boggling. The way that a virus that is like any other virus the world has known in decades past, over and over again, has been weaponized, politicized, and deployed on the masses is unfathomable. There are grifters out there, whether among the masses, or even among the so-called elite and “educated” of society, who blindly follow whatever state TV tells them. But then there are those of us who like the sons of Issachar are aware of the times, and are paying attention to the actual science. We see what is going on; the level of deception, and thus tyranny is off the charts. Lives are being lost; non-vaccines vaccines are being injected into peoples’ bodies and injuring or killing them; actual science is being blackballed; truth is being canceled; the livelihoods of millions upon millions of people are being destroyed; political leaders are acting as if they are despots with unchecked power; so on and so forth.

There have been times in world history where these sorts of evil characteristics have been present, but never at this globalist level. Not to mention, there has always been some bastion of hope, some nation or leader who could stem the tide of outright dissolution. But where is that now? The Beast seemingly has taken over, and it is as if the Holy Spirit is allowing him space to delude the masses on a scale that I could never have imagined just a year and a half ago; it is indeed, “Biblical!” Nations like Australia, France, Greece, potentially the UK and others (as that contagion continues) have lost their ever-loving minds. Australia just announced its most stringent lockdown yet. France and Greece are mandating that all health professionals be jabbed. Vaccine passports are in the mainstream discussion; there is no signs of let-up, only ramping up of the fearmongering and attendant measures.




Bobby Grow
Bobby Grow

Written by Bobby Grow

Hello My name is Bobby Grow. I am a Christian theologian. I love Jesus. Contra mundum.

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